Living Stones Church is committed to being a church that "proclaims the execellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light" because we were once "not a people; once we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy" (1 Peter 2:9-10). Our desire is that people from all backgrounds and ages, both locally and globally, hear about the Gospel and have the opportunity to receive the mercy and grace of God. 



Led by former senior pastor, Gary Bulley, Pastor to Pastor Training Networks (P2P) serves the global church by providing pastors and church leaders with theological and leadership training.  Ninety percent of pastors around the world have no intentional pastoral training.  This lack of biblical and practical knowledge leads to many challenges.  Our goal is to implement 2 Timothy 2:2 by training pastors who train pastors, thereby empowering training movements where training is most desperately needed.   P2P currently partners with leaders in 17 countries to train thousands of pastors.  This biblical and practical training generally leads to expansive church and kingdom growth.  Please learn more by visiting our website at




We believe that God has called us to express His love in words and actions, and to communicate God’s love for our diverse community in simple, practical ways. We want to be a positive influence in the lives of our neighbors by serving others at community wide events, supporting our schools, and meeting the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.


North Central Missions Center

Georgia Baptist Convention

North American Mission Board

International Mission Board

Pastor to Pastor Training Networks