Josh Stringer, Senior Pastor
Josh began as the Senior Pastor of Living Stones in May 2021. In his role, he serves as the primary teacher on Sunday mornings where the goal each week is to explore together what the Bible tells us about God and the gospel. This happens by preaching through different books of the Bible so that we would practically align our lives with who God is, living for His glory day by day. Josh is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv., 2011), and was formerly on staff at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, where he served as the Pastor of Discipleship. He and his wife, Shana, have five children: Truett, Elliott, Annette, Barrett, and Rhett.
Pastor of Worship & Music
Aric Butler
John Christopher
David Freeman
Matt Hand
Steve Howe
Phil Warren
Digital Media Manager
Madison Riddle